
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something Wicked this way comes...

Its that time of year again...
Halloweens just around the corner.

And so is the Pricey Halloween decorations.
Especially at Spirit.
But before you spend all you hard earned money on
 expensive decorations (that are only up once a year)
 at those stores
check out your local dollar store!!

Here is my price and item comparison of
Spirit Halloween store and a dollar store...

Bag O' Skulls

Spirit Halloween Store price:

Dollar Store
Bag o' skulls price
Or garland of skulls

Skull Ice cube/Mold trays

Spirit Halloween store price

Dollar store Price

Flameless Votive

Spirit Halloween store Price
( same price for 4 pack, and 6 packs)
Dollar Store price
pack of 2

Black Crows

Spirit Halloween store price
Dollar Store price

Skeleton Garland

Spirit Halloween store Price
Dollar Store price
Skull Serving tray

Spirit Halloween store
Dollar Store price


Spirit Halloween store Price

Dollar store price

Glitter Skull

Spirit Halloween Store price
Dollar Store price


Spirit Halloween Store price
Dollar store Price


Spirit Halloween store price
Dollar store price

Creepy cloth

Spirit Halloween store Price

Dollar Store price

There are even more items!!!
 such as

Plastic Skull Mugs
Spirit- 6/ $14.99
Dollar store- $1 a piece
Plastic cockroaches
Spirit- 30/ $4.99
Dollar store- 10/ $1

Gothic Skull Fencing
Spirit- 2/$6.99
Dollar store- 1/$1

Creepy Tarantula
Spirit- 2/$3.99
Dollar store: 1large or 2 small/ $1

And there is so much more.
 these are just what i could find that are currently in my own dollar store.

Just because The Spirit store only comes around once a year
doesn't mean you HAVE to pay their extravagant prices.

Don't get me wrong though...they do have some pretty awesome decorations for indoor and outdoor that you can't find anywhere else.
Costumes too!!

and just a hint for you:
After Halloween keep any eye on the Spirit stores.
 They will be clearances on ALL of their leftover merchandise.
Its always a good time to get costumes and decorations for next year at 50-75% of retail price!!


This post was feature in The Dollar Store crafts Newsletter!


  1. Awesome price comparisons! I just went to my Dollar Tree yesterday and was blown away by all the cool stuff. I'd like to post this on my blog if you don't mind.


  2. Feel free to! just please have a link back to my page so others can see my blog if you dont mind! thank you!

  3. I just shared a link to this post in my weekly dollar store crafts e-newsletter!
