
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Planning and To do:

I have Plans for so many projects, and so  many things that need to be made and finished
(i will post pictures of the projects as they are worked on and finished)

Finish crocheting Zach's blanket
Applique and paint onesies (need fabric paint)
family crest onesie
Finish the men's dress shirt to girls shirt refashion
Finish hemming dress made from men's dress shirt
Crib- need to 'fabricate' my crib bumpers
(if only i can find some awesome fabric for a low budget income)
Finish Liam's blanket ( name and backing)
Finish painting Suri's bed
Applique towels and shower curtain
Paint and finish beaded 'lantern' for Suris room

Crochet niece a black and bubble gum beanie
Make curtains for kiddos room
Make more Sheets (crib and twin bed)
Upcycle aluminum can jewelry
Make more Bro-Bots
2 commissioned Zipper roses

No doubt there are even more things to i couldn't think of at the moment... its gonna be a busy week...and a busy month at that!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A day at the Park

One day i stayed home while my hubby took the girls to the park. i told him to take some pictures. these are what he came back with. they're super cute! and him and the girls had so much fun!!

Kitty kitty

Our Cat Elvira recently had kittens!
She only had 3 kittens to her litter but they're so cute!
She has 2 females and one male.
(ever heard of a doggy pile?...well this is a Kitty pile!)
Zach likes the calico female
I like the black one. she looks like a Lil panther ( its hard to get a good picture of her)
Savannah, my niece, named the little boy milkshake.
We've got a pretty cool cat. shes got a got demeanor ( shes alot like a dog and doesn't hold a grudge)
She adopted us a little over 4 months ago.
she just walked in the house one day and never left
 ( even when we were gone to Cali for 5 days!)
she likes to sleep in the tub though??!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

In gods eyes...

My niece is visiting for the summer and was bored today. i was working on my owns crafts and she wasnted something 'crafty' to do too. i showed her how to make a gods eye...
She even decorated it.
she was so proud of it!

newest find

The dollar store now has these...
These are supposed to be used to extend or take in your pants.
They are a simple button/pin
i thought they looked neat
This is what caught my eye!
no plans but cant wait to use them!

Upcycle Me

A few months ago I created upcycled earrings from aluminum cans.

Mountain Dew
World of Warcraft

For the Horde!!!
Go Guiness
Arizona Green Tea

Arizona Tea
These are for sale if any one is interested.....